
Kitchen Cousins

Watch RGH on HGTV (Cousins Undercover) this Sunday

 John Colaneri, Paul Vicari, Jeremy Strang, Anthony Carrino


John Colaneri, Paul Vicari, Jeremy Strang, 

Anthony Carrino

Guess who’s on HGTV?  We were contacted earlier this year by HGTV about a new series Cousins Undercover, with John Colaneri and Anthony Carrino from the Kitchen Cousins.  They seek out deserving neighborhood heroes then surprise them with amazing home makeovers. 

We invite you to watch as John, Anthony, community members and RGH project managers Paul Vicari and David Hume upgrade this classic home and touch the lives of an amazing family.  The show airs this Sunday, October 28th at 8pm EST. 

This was such a privilege for RGH to work with John, Anthony, and all the staff from HGTV.  Enjoy the show!